Friends of CC Music Midwest Summit 2024 is “cancelled”

Yesterday, Jason Smith and I had an off-the-record discussion about a few different topics which got my wheels turning. At some point some of the other discussion topics will make it to the website, but for now I want to try to stay on topic (difficult for someone with ADHD).

I use the word “cancelled” instead of “rescheduled” because the rescheduled date will be in 2025 to coincide with the announcement of the CC Community Music Awards in April.

This announcement is in conjunction with a largely announcement I hope to make later today, but I have to go feed five boys before that happens.

The work I have put into scheduling the 2024 event will all move. There are no confirmed speakers at the moment, just ideas, so this will give me time to confirm speakers and focus on Netlabel Day 2024.

There is a Netlabel Day 2024 planning meeting on June 9. Please let me know if you would like to attend and I will send you a calendar invite. The meeting is at 2pm US Central (3pm NYC time).

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