NetLabel Day Shindig 2025

It is pretty clear at this point that CC Music Midwest Summit 2024 is not going to be what I had hoped. I always knew the timeline was tight but I figured it made sense to get something out there and learn from it. And of course, you can still buy a ticket.

I think we have come to some agreement about having a Netlabel Day (NLD) event in Jackson, Mississippi in 2026. By that point, we would anticipate having some sort of legal entity to deal with funds. Right now, we are waiting for the 2025 elections before determining where to incorporate, and what tax status to file as.

We should emphatically note at this point that anything Friends of CC Music decides to do is not an official NLD event in the sense that Omar runs NLD. At some point, I think it probably makes sense for FCCM to take over NLD for paying bills and legal liability, but how any of that works will be up to Omar and whoever wins the 2025 election.

Another thing we should point out is that I am current the head of the global Friends of CC Music and Ryno is the head of Friends of CC Music: USA. As of right now, it’s unclear whether 2025 and 2026 will be regional, national, or global events. With that said, even if the events are branded as “global” events, that should not stop anyone from having a regional event. As of present, no one outside of North America has presented any interest in being involved. We hope that changes!

Option 1: Jackson. My personal take is that Ryno should host 2025 and those of us willing to help organize the 2026 event should be the invited guests, but this is, of course, Ryno’s call.

Option 2: Minneapolis. Beautiful in July. Already know what the venue will be, along with the cost and the fire code rules. This probably makes the most sense logistically. We have a decent number of international flights, but also it’s a Delta hub which means lots of flights from La Guardia and Atlanta. Of course, international folks will probably have to switch from JFK to LGA, but that isn’t hard. I’ve done it. Still, the fact that LGA is not on a metro line is absolutely baffling. Even Minneapolis has light rail to the airport. Also, the venue there is like a kilometer from the train station. Very easy.

Like Jackson, it’s kinda-sorta in the middle of the country. More so than Jackson, but we still have a north/south thing. Of course, being in the geographic center only matters for driving. Minneapolis airport is way bigger than the more centrally located Omaha. Kansas City would probably be a decent airport option, but I don’t know anything about it and, more importantly, not sure who would be the local host.

MSP was the 42nd largest airport in the world in 2022 when China was closed (although China reported numbers in 2021, so idk what is going on there). In any case, MSP has made the top 50 a couple of other times in the past. It’s a big airport.

Option 3: Shelby, NC. Charlotte is the 22nd busiest airport in the world. It a short flight from Atlanta, and not a terrible drive from Atlanta (although I have never done it). My parents sometimes fly out of Atlanta instance of Charlotte. This location will be easier for east coast folks, but harder for west coast. The only way to get here is to drive. You can get to Gastonia on a train, which is not terrible. It’ll be hot, but my parents have a pool.

Option 4: Atlanta. Jackson is not the easiest place to get to internationally and Jackson isn’t likely the most welcoming to people of color. On the other hand, Georgia is also listed on the link in the last sentence, but Atlanta is also listed as a great place for black people. So, it’s complicated.

And then there is the issue of NLD being in July. They don’t call it Hotlanta for nothing! But, Atlanta has the biggest airport in the world so that might help attract an international audience.

Option 5: NYC. Very international. Also, very expensive. Unlike Atlanta, there are CC folks I know there.

Option 6: Vancouver, Canada. There are CC folks with ties there. Harder for Europeans to get to, but maybe that is ok. Maybe we want to strategically try to get Asia more involved. My personal take is that is more of a longterm goal.

Option 7: Toronto, Canada East-coastish, but still more central that Vancouver. Canada might be easier to get to as far as Visas and such. Not sure. In any case, without a local sponsor, will be difficult.

These are not the only options, and right now we don’t need to make any decisions, but as NLD 2024 approaches, it would be good to think of what a get-together looks like.

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